PsL Monthly 1995 August
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM Volume 3 Number 8 (Public Software Library).bin
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File List
150 lines
ASC4QB.ZIP 204206 10-17-93 ASC4QB allows printing ASCII text anywhere
| on a graphics screen, rather than on just the
| default text lines. (Charles S. Gaylord)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
BANSI111.ZIP 58603 10-06-94 Bansi Library 1.11 is a library of ANSI
| functions for QuickBASIC and Visual BASIC for
| DOS. (Chris Walker) (Reg.Fee: $8)
BASCRN.ZIP 51781 10-20-93 BAScrn 1.0 is a screen designing utility.
| (Eric Jarrett) (Reg.Fee: $8)
BIGPRT.ZIP 10724 10-16-93 BigPrint 3.0 demonstrates techniques for
| displaying and printing messages containing
| large, bold characters. (Michael J. Himowitz)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
BKSCREN.ZIP 47645 06-11-90 BKScreen produces QuickBASIC code to produce
| a screen display from a text file. (Bill
| Hewitt) (Reg.Fee: $10)
BMP2BAX.ZIP 44689 06-28-94 BMP2BAX 3W converts BMP bitmap images to
| Basic BSave/BLoad format. (Robert E.
| Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BOXDRAW.ZIP 2375 10-27-94 BoxDraw is QB Sub for drawing boxes of a
| specified size, location, line type, and
| color. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BOXMAKR.ZIP 2598 10-16-93 BoxMaker lets you choose a screen border
| style, for which it will then generate the
| source code to add to your program. (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
BSAVEPCX.ZIP 76404 06-27-94 BSavePCX 7.23p can capture all or part of a
| graphics screen and save it to disk in BLOAD
| format. (Robert E. Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BSNOTES.ZIP 34767 06-28-94 BSavePCX Notes shows how to mix color bitmap
| graphics with text and vector graphics on a
| typical Basic text screen. (Robert E.
| Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BSWORM.ZIP 43787 06-28-94 BSWorm is a QuickBASIC animation of an
| inchworm. (Robert E. Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
COLORS.ZIP 51488 09-14-94 Colors Screen Saver is a unique screen saver
| for Windows. (Wayne Kessler) (Reg.Fee: $10)
DRFONT.ZIP 23689 04-24-93 DRFont 1.0 contains 10 fonts, a QLB and
| source that shows you how to use them. (Dawn
| Roepenack) (Reg.Fee: $10)
DV_SF.ZIP 59926 02-07-95 DOSView (SF) 1.0 is a 5k TSR which will allow
| screen output for some applications to be
| displayed in a range of lines specified by
| the user. (Steven H. Fisk) (Reg.Fee: $0)
ED.ZIP 6515 09-09-94 BASIC Editing 1.0 is a simple screen editing
| procedure for QBASIC. (Stephen Field)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
FOOTER.ZIP 25750 06-27-94 Footer shows a graphic in the bottom row of
| a text screen without affecting the rows
| normally used for your program for text.
| (Robert E. Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FREEPAL.ZIP 39021 03-08-94 Free Palette 1.0 allows you to adjust the
| colors retrieved using Basic's Palette
| command and will save your changes as a BAS
| file. (Scott Nathan Roepenack) (Reg.Fee: $0)
GETPUT.ZIP 54377 01-11-94 GetPut 1.6 will save and restore large
| sections of a 640x480x16-color screen. (PC
| StartUps) (Reg.Fee: $10-20)
GRAD.ZIP 8889 02-19-93 Grad 1.1 is a library for using gradient
| screen colors on VGA. (Nick Long) (Reg.Fee:
| $8)
HELPER.ZIP 47031 10-13-93 Helper is a self-hypnosis aid. (Leslie
| Schmit) (Reg.Fee: $20)
HERCDMP.ZIP 2891 10-16-93 HercDump contains QuickBASIC 4 routines for
| printing of Hercules graphics screens to
| Epson or HP Laserjet compatible printers.
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
HILITE.ZIP 21715 10-04-93 HiLite 1.0 is a Quick Basic subroutine for
| highlighting selected text. (Dave Wright)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
HIRESCOL.ZIP 1949 10-27-94 HireScol shows how to have color in the
| 640x200 graphics mode in CGA. (James L.
| Johnsen) (Reg.Fee: $?)
ICO2BAX.ZIP 39247 06-28-94 ICO2BAX converts an icon (.ICO file) to
| Basic BSave format (.BAX). (Robert E.
| Aukerman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MONITOR.ZIP 7877 01-12-94 Monitor (TD) 1.0 is a function for QB4.5 and
| PDS 7.1 for determining the type of video in
| a system. (Tony Doimeadios) (Reg.Fee: $0)
PCINPUT.ZIP 51946 10-13-93 PCInput lets you design input screens for
| Basic. (Reg.Fee: $0)
PCX2BSV2.ZIP 24145 03-21-94 PCX2BSV 2.0 converts 640x480x16-color or
| 320-200-256-color PCX graphics to BSAVE
| format. (Leonard P. Gragson) (Reg.Fee: $5)
PLOT3D.ZIP 2087 10-16-93 Plot3D is BASIC code to plot a circular wave
| in three dimensions. (Reg.Fee: $0)
PRINT16.ZIP 63869 01-11-94 Print16 1.0 is an assembly language object
| for use with PDS 7.1.
PSLJII2.ZIP 795 10-27-94 PSLJII2.BAS is a callable routine to print a
| graphics screen (VGA, etc.) from a QB program
| to a HP LJII printer. (Steve Cochran)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
QBFONT.LST 3380 03-22-89 QBFont is an article that describes how to
| display a user-defined character set of up to
| 256 characters in Hercules graphics mode
| using QuickBASIC or BASCOM 6. (Reg.Fee: $0)
QBICONS.ZIP 3887 10-16-93 QBIcons is a set of 13 icons for use in your
| QB/PDS graphics applications. (Reg.Fee: $0)
QBQUICK.ZIP 44752 10-16-93 QBQuick 3.0 creates graphic displays for
| programs. (Scott Nathan Roepenack) (Reg.Fee:
| $0-$5)
QPLUS.ZIP 82711 01-11-94 QBQPlus 2.0 assists QBasic programmers in
| making start-up screens, slides, hel